CopyMinder Prices
On this page you will find prices for CopyMinder in British pounds. Please note that the prices listed on this page do not include taxes.
You pay nothing while you are getting used to the system and testing your protected programs. When you have completed your testing, you can reset the system ready for live use. From then on, we bill you at the end of each calendar month. If your bill at the end of the month is less than £10, you will not be invoiced. Instead, the charges will be carried forward into the next billing period.
CopyMinder Software Development Kit £95
You must purchase a CopyMinder SDK when you first create a CopyMinder account. The SDK includes all of the tools and documentation you need to protect your software with CopyMinder.
We don't charge for support or updates - the price of the SDK covers all updates and technical support for life.
Installation Charges
There is a charge for each new installation of your protected software. There is no charge for re-installation using the same licence. The charge for each new installation depends on whether the installation is activated as a 'Trial' installation, or a 'Normal' or 'non-Trial' installation.
Normal Installations
The charge per normal installation is based on the total number of user installations to date. The number of installations to date is calculated per Product Code:
First 100 new users | £3.00 per user |
Next 1000 new users | £2.00 per user |
Thereafter | £1.00 per user |
For network installations the charge is per end-user, but we only charge for the first 30 users on any one network installation.
Trial Installations 8p per new installation
There is one fixed charge of 8p for each new Trial installation of your protected software, regardless of the number of users. If a network installation is activated as a trial, the charge is 8p regardless of the number of end-users of the software on that network.
Active User Charges 2p per active user per month, or a £1 one-off charge per user
There is also a monthly charge per end-user of each normal installation, for as long as that installation is 'active'. You are only charged if an installation of your software is used within a particular month.
There is no monthly charge for Trial installations.
Instead of monthly active user charges, you can opt to pay a one-off charge of £1 per end-user. You will be billed for this at the same time as the new installation charge described above. If you have a large numbers of end-users of your protected software, the number of active users can vary a lot from month to month. Choosing to pay this up-front, one-off charge can therefore greatly simplify your billing.