Dinkey Pro/FD version 7.3 released

The Dinkey Pro/FD Team | | 3 Minuten lesen
Kopierschutz Dinkey Pro/FD JSON Linux macOS Shell Software-Schutz

We are very pleased to announce a new release of the Dinkey Pro/FD SDK, version 7.3. Read on to learn more about what's new in version 7.3 and how it can benefit you.

Detailed technical information about the changes in this release is available in these update notes. For a full list of changes to Dinkey Pro/FD, please see the Dinkey Pro/FD version history.

Improved Shell Protection

The security of the Shell method has been enhanced with additional techniques to prevent debugging of your code. Improvements have also been made to the way your code is decrypted and executed at runtime, further increasing the strength of Shell protection.

If you use the Shell method, we recommend that you take advantage of the boost to security offered by these changes. You can do this by updating your SDK to 7.3.0 and producing a new version of your software locked with the updated Shell method. You may notice that your protected software takes a little longer to load, but once the program is running you should not notice any significant effect on performance.

JSON Support in DinkeyAdd and DinkeyRemote

DinkeyAdd and DinkeyRemote now support saving and loading their settings in JSON format. This allows you to edit DAPF and DRPF settings files in a text editor, which is useful to customers who use DinkeyAdd and DinkeyRemote on macOS and Linux, where they are only currently available as command-line programs. New Quick Tour guides in the Linux and macOS SDKs walk you through adding protection using a sample DAPF file in JSON format.

Support for JSON is also useful for customers who use programming languages that cannot easily manipulate the older binary DAPF and DRPF formats. JSON is widely supported by third-party libraries for a huge range of programming languages, allowing you to more easily integrate the functionality of DinkeyAdd and DinkeyRemote into software used by your organisation. For example, you could program dongles or generate secure update codes directly from within an order management system used by your sales team.

Your Feedback

We'd love to hear what you think about these new improvements. To send us feedback about the recent changes to Dinkey Pro/FD, or to discuss what new features and functionality you'd like to see in future releases, please get in touch.